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The Jackson County Heritage Association is a group of nonprofit educational organizations dedicated to the collection, preservation, and interpretation of Southern Oregon's cultural history

Jackson County Heritage Association

SOHS 12124

All JCHA organizations are non-profits which rely on volunteers to carry out programs and are funded by donations. If you would like to help any of these organizations by volunteering or donating go to the Museums link above to contact an organization you would like to help. Thank you.

Heritage advocates met with the Southern Oregon's travel and hospitality industry in two workshops held in January and February 2024, sponsored by Travel Southern Oregon. For more information on these workshops and to learn about outcomes, visit

The Jackson County Heritage Association values and serves everyone and is committed to providing safe and equitable access to our museums and historical societies. JCHA will not tolerate racism, harassment, discrimination, or intimidation in any form.

Jackson County Heritage Association                                                                                                  © 2024

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